Why Can’t I Lose Belly Fat?

Many clients express a frustration about their weight, particularly their inability to reduce belly fat.  They count calories consumed, increase calories burned, take weight-loss pills, and are perplexed to find that it is not working.  Most talk about the belly fat that won't reduce no matter what they try. 

Weight is a complex topic, related to metabolism, hormones, muscle mass, and more.  In this article, I share several energetic and emotional components related to weight, and a special client story

The question is: What is extra body weight doing FOR me?  Why is my body intentionally hanging on to this weight?  

Energetically:  The human energy-body is meant to expand at least 3 feet out from the physical body in every direction.  The protective field around your energy-body works as a boundary, repelling other energy (including other people's emotions).  Particularly in the case of empaths, when the energy-body does not provide enough protection, the physical body may add layers of bulk to protect you.

Mental/Emotional state:  Subconsciously, excess weight can keep relationships at a distance and offer an excuse for a lack of connection.  When people mistreat us, it can be easier to blame weight instead of our own part in the relationship.

Physical Toxins:  Fat cells not only store energy, but they also store excess toxins to protect the organ systems. Toxins are hidden in fat cells to remove them from the blood stream for processing later.  As a person loses weight, old toxins are re-released into the bloodstream for processing. If the toxic load is too much for the body to handle, the body will be forced to create new fat to store those toxins once again. 

Emotionally:  As a person loses weight, old trapped emotions are released into the body.   As the emotions are processed, old coping mechanisms related to consumption can be triggered.   

These are just a few of the reasons that it can be so difficult to lose weight.   When clients come in for support in this area, I can never promise any specific results; it will be different for each, related to the underlying causes.

Client Story:

I share this story of a client to inspire a sense of awe in what is possible with energy work. 

A mid-50s woman came in frustrated with her body weight. She works out consistently, watches her food intake, takes appetite suppressants, and has not seen any improvement in her abdominal weight or weight in general. 

This was her third appointment to see me in the last year. The first two were focused on her mental health, and did not have an impact on her weight.

We chose to mix a Clinical Qigong session with Clairvoyant tools:

  • Her body released connections with her lineage around weight. There was a sense of differentiation, acknowledging that she didn't have to continue this hereditary pattern of excess weight.  Yet there was a feeling of connectedness and support with her lineage. 

  • There was an energetic reminder that "You can't be it if you can't see it ".  In order to manifest what you want, you have to see yourself in that state. This client visualized a past version of herself, when she was younger and thin.  But she is not that person anymore!  Energetically, she welcomed a new version of herself.  She began to envision a healthy version of herself in the future that was not tied to the old messaging. 

  • As we worked on her five elements, Earth continued to want support.  Her body was letting go of a sense of lack; she was being reminded of the abundance before her.  Her body doesn't have to hold onto fat, nutrients, calories, and energy.  With so much abundance in her life, whatever she needs will be available when required.  

  • We opened her solar plexus, releasing protections that are no longer serving her.  There was a visual of her lifting weights; she was trying to gain density, using the weight to keep grounded.  As her energy body felt more secure and grounded, her spirit could become light and wispy and stop trying so hard. 

  • At the end of the session, she had a physical experience. She felt her abdomen getting tighter, with a zipping-up of the abdomen, pelvis, and female organs. She felt a tightening of her low back and buttocks. She felt as though her body was finished mothering everyone around her, and ready to focus on herself.

Thanks to this beautiful woman for sharing her experience and story with me.  May you be inspired and be gentle with yourself and your own journey.


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