Living Your Light Benefits Everyone
Time and time again, clients show me their big hearts.
They are engaged, intentional, and supportive. If you need something, they jump in to help. They are pillars of the community, supporting others as parents, friends, family members, teachers, therapists, doctors.
I love working with such big-hearted people. You are all a blessing!
AND ... I see the tremendous burden of this role.
Clients come in feeling depleted, overwhelmed, and on edge. They have 'compassion fatigue'. They work so hard to ‘do it all’, and are feeling the effects.
In sessions and group healings, we acknowledge the dance between helping everyone else and helping ourselves. We navigate the nuance of being selfish and honoring the Self. We always come to the same conclusion:
The best way to help others is to:
Be True to Yourself. Stand in your Power. Live YOUR Light.
It seems counterintuitive. How does helping ourselves help others?

Girl with Menstrual Pain
A 13 year-old girl came in recently, suffering from painful menstrual cramps. She was feeling achy, light-headed, nauseous, and low energy for many days around her cycle. Her flow was heavy and overwhelming. Overall, she was sensitive about life, with her emotions close to the surface. She took criticism personally and would break down into tears.
Her mom rightfully considered this intensity of pain and sensitivity to be excessive for a girl her age. They made the appointment hoping for relief.
During the session, we did a full Core Synchronism treatment to help the cerebral spinal fluid flow with ease throughout the body. We focused on the gentle rhythms of her reproductive system in combination with the brain, synchronizing these movements to enhance healing and reduce pain.
Her mom opted to Add-on a Qigong clearing to balance her energy-body. We opened her meridians and chakras and cleared vibrations that didn’t belong to her.

Why Can’t I Lose Belly Fat?
Many clients express a frustration about their weight, particularly their inability to reduce belly fat. They count calories consumed, increase calories burned, take weight-loss pills, and are perplexed to find that it is not working. Most talk about the belly fat that won't reduce no matter what they try.
Weight is a complex topic, related to metabolism, hormones, muscle mass, and more. In this article, I share several energetic and emotional components related to weight, and a special client story.
The question is: What is extra body weight doing FOR me? Why is my body intentionally hanging on to this weight?

Kids and Self-Healing
I learn so much from my children. They are my greatest teachers.
When we raise our kids with certain ideas and beliefs, our hope is for them to understand what we have come to know.
And yet, the reality is that magic happens when they take the foundation of knowledge and build on it, getting creative, playing with ideas, stepping outside the box to see what happens.
And then the tables turn and the kids teach us...if we are open to learning from them!
We recently visited Rome as a family, viewing the amazing historical sites. With his permission, I share the experience of Mark, age 13.
In the middle of a 3-hour tour of the Vatican, Mark started to feel ill. He was queasy and lightheaded, wanted to sit down, and needed support to stand and walk.
The Sistine Chapel, a coveted pinnacle of our trip, provided the first opportunity for him to sit. Surrounded by masterpieces, Mark was seated, prostrate, looking at the floor, trying not to throw up.
...Looking at the floor instead of the Sistine ceiling! It nearly broke my heart!
I did a little bit of Qigong on him, but must admit it was half-hearted; I wanted to spend this short time enjoying the Sistine Chapel!

Woman Feeling Disconnected
A lovely woman with covid reached out for a session, looking for immune system support. She was experiencing fatigue, tightness in her chest, and a loss of taste and smell. We agreed to conduct this session remotely via phone, to avoid spreading the contagion.
Energy-body work is holistic, taking into account the entire system of Mind, Body, and Spirit. We can’t promise a specific outcome or know how an individual will respond to the energy balancing. The session may affect healing from a specific ailment, or work on something deeper within the body. This is the beauty and unfolding of energy work!
I learned that this woman had a traumatic labor and delivery 4 years prior. The c-section had hemorrhaged, leaving her low on blood and extremely weak. She was lucky and grateful to have survived, yet from that day forward, she felt as though she was missing something. She no longer felt like herself. She fell into a deep depression, labeled as post-partum depression, that didn’t lift. She lacked the spunk and spark for life that had always characterized her.

Live Your Light Healing
Every Tuesday morning, you can find me teaching at Una Vida in Niwot. In this beautiful, peaceful sanctuary, I lead a personalized Meditation (8am), Qigong Movement Forms (9am), and the Live Your Light Healing (10am).
Incredibly, the Live Your Light Healing has become my most popular class! Participants come from across the county, and return week after week.
What is the Live Your Light Healing?
- Participants sit or lie on a yoga mat. They find a comfortable position to rest, with blankets and bolsters.
- We set intentions for the session. Each participant is given the opportunity to request mental/emotional or physical healing specific to their situation. The healing is tailored to the needs of the attendees.
- The Live Your Light healing is a fusion of Body code, Aura cleansing, Intuitive healing, Medical Qigong and more. I tune into the energy of the group and speak aloud while processing the priority trapped emotions, subconscious beliefs, energetic misalignments, and more.
Some students fall asleep during the session.

This Month’s Testimonials
This month I have received a handful of amazing testimonials. Rather than share one story, it feels good to share the many shifts my clients are experiencing. May it be an inspiration of hope for you and your loved ones.

Man with Back Pain
Over the last few months, I've been working with a young man who has always been an athlete. Playing sports is his happy place. Over the last few years, back pain has increasingly inhibited his ability to engage in the activities that he loves.
Lower back pain
Spasms in the glutes
Shooting pains down the legs
Restless legs
Nerve blockers and muscle relaxers to sleep at night
Pain medication during the day
Tendency towards putting others' needs first
Doctors prescribed medications and recommended surgery to fuse his vertebrae. He is hesitant to undergo surgery and has hope for other methods of pain control.
He came to my office looking for Core Synchronism sessions; this gentle harmonizing of the physical body structures with the cerebral spinal fluid breaks the pain-discomfort cycle.
Often there is an energetic component to pain and disease. I recommended including Qigong and Body Code to support the healing.

Teenager with Anxiety and OCD
Over the last few months, I've had the pleasure of working with a 13 year old girl. For years, she was experiencing:
Anxiety: general, social, test anxiety
Obsessive Compulsive tendencies
Difficulty turning her brain off to fall asleep at night
Sensitivity to other people's moods
Depression: wondering if the world would be better without her
Insecurity: inability to receive the Love of her family
This sweet young lady was suffering. Her loving family was suffering. Therapy, parental support, unconditional love, and patience were not turning the tide in a significant way.
We chose to do 5 sessions, one per week. Using Qigong and Body code, we cleared the vibrations that weren't hers, balanced her 5 elements, and released emotions and subconscious beliefs that weren't serving her. I taught her tools to strengthen her boundaries and stand in her truth.

Preschooler with Nervous System Dysregulation
In October, I had the honor of working with a preschooler who had witnessed trauma and abuse in the household. The mother had stabilized the physical environment and was ready to focus on internal healing.
This preschool-aged girl was clenching her hands, grinding her teeth, and using the bathroom 40 times each day. Her nervous system was overwhelmed. The medical system suggested trying prescription therapy, and the mother was looking for natural options.
We chose to do 5 sessions, one per week, to shift and support her energy body. All of these sessions were conducted remotely; I haven't met her in person!
After each session, the mother declared tremendous shifts. Her daughter went from using the bathroom every 10 minutes to every 30 minutes. By the 3rd session, her bathroom usage was 90-120 minutes apart. This preschooler was proud of herself; excited that she could regulate her body and fit in with her classmates.
This child returned to her happy and playful expression, dancing and singing.
Mom is thrilled to have her daughter back, joyful and on a trajectory in alignment with her best self.

Victim to Empowerment
In September, a young woman came in for help processing traumas from the past 3 years. The trauma expressed in her body as stress, overwhelm, and tension. She experienced debilitating stomach and back pains. She felt depleted from constantly supporting those around her.
She returned 2 weeks later, no longer feeling like a victim. Instead, she was angry. Angry that she felt burned out. Tired of drinking too much to escape from life. Enraged at people for trying to control her. While her life had not changed, her perspective had made a significant shift.
She came in for a 3rd visit 2 months later as a completely new woman. She was smiling and bright, calm and clear. She had stopped drinking cold-turkey, and found that she enjoyed feeling present in her life. She had quit her job and decided to move. She felt empowered by the tools, and regularly used them to clear her space, strengthen her boundaries, and stand in her power.