Living Your Light Benefits Everyone
Your Light, reflecting through others
Time and time again, clients show me their big hearts.
They are engaged, intentional, and supportive. If you need something, they jump in to help. They are pillars of the community, supporting others as parents, friends, family members, teachers, therapists, doctors.
I love working with such big-hearted people. You are all a blessing!
AND ... I see the tremendous burden of this role.
Clients come in feeling depleted, overwhelmed, and on edge. They have 'compassion fatigue'. They work so hard to ‘do it all’, and are feeling the effects.
In sessions and group healings, we acknowledge the dance between helping everyone else and helping ourselves. We navigate the nuance of being selfish and honoring the Self. We always come to the same conclusion:
The best way to help others is to:
Be True to Yourself. Stand in your Power. Live YOUR Light.
It seems counterintuitive. How does helping ourselves help others?
Typically, we think of helping others as Doing something. Energetically, we put our energy into someone else's space with an intention of an outcome that fits our expectations. This energetic relationship is common while parenting young children; we do for our kids and guide toward an outcome.
When it comes to friends, parents, acquaintances, and adult children, it's not helpful to put our energy in their space. They may feel resentful of the involvement, or develop learned helplessness, as they expect you to jump in and fix things everything.
Meanwhile, your vibration becomes weaker in your space because it is diluted. Focusing energy on the external world, there is less focus on your internal needs. Your energy is spread too thin and scattered.
It’s more powerful to help others without so much effort. By simply Being yourself, you can inspire others on their path. You both are empowered to choose what is in alignment for you.
I interviewed my family, asking the question “How have you positively impacted others by Living YOUR Light?”
I invite you to ask yourself the same question.
The examples are simple yet staggeringly powerful ways of deeply impacting others without giving away energy.
Personal Connection: I love connecting with people through Thank You cards. It's a way to say 'I see you and what you did for me' and 'thank you for seeing me'. I write them as much for myself as for the recipient; it nourishes my soul.
Recently, my sister-in-law of 20+ years lost her mother. As she notified the community, she took inspiration from my cards and wrote personal messages to each person who touched her mother’s life. She crafted beautiful messages that gave both her and the recipient comfort. Did I help her write the cards? No. Energetically, I showed a way of being that she could tap into whenever she was ready. She was empowered to do this herself, in her unique way.
Mixing Function and Fun: My husband reflects on his involvement in Scouts. At campouts he enjoys learning the ideal knot for a given task. He plays with cooking gourmet breakfasts in a Dutch oven over the fire. He comes up with new ways to hang bear bags, that are simple and effective. He took these actions because they were fun and interesting to him.
Overtime, we've learned that other adult volunteers were inspired to bring levity and curiosity to knot tying and cooking. It doesn't have to be so serious or perfect. Just by being yourself and making it fun, others are welcomed to do the same!
Authenticity: My youngest received a leadership award at school for his participation in a counseling group. They asked middle school students to discuss sensitive topics about their feelings and social interactions. He consistently shared first, answering in a vulnerable way. This authenticity welcomed others to participate, and led to deep and healing conversations. Other parallel counseling groups did not have such open dialogue.
It only takes one person to share their truth for others to feel safe enough to follow. We don't know the impact of this experience on the other middle schoolers, but the ripple effect could extend throughout their lives and relationships.
Passion: My daughter found her passion in riding horses. When she is on a horse, her anxiety dissolves. She feels freedom, confidence, and connection to nature.
Simply witnessing her joy gives us all permission to seek that joy for ourselves.
Confidence: My oldest wanted a job as a lifeguard at the local pool. He took the medical training, in-water classes, passed the exams, and started working at age 15.
The ripple effect extended out to his friends and acquaintances. His pursuit of his dreams gave confidence to his cohort and made lifeguarding an accessible reality for them.
Ancestral Patterns: My parents continue to do their personal work. They are healing from trauma patterns, inner judgement, and limiting perceptions of themselves in the world.
Witnessing their new patterns has been empowering for me. It invites me to make shifts more easily for myself and my children.
My goal is not to brag about my family. My goal is to remind you of the many nuanced ways that YOU have an impact on the people around you.
YOU positively effect other people’s lives every time you Live Your Light. YOU inspire others in the form of a ripple or reflection of your heart resonance.
When you create for others, your impact is finite and your energy can become depleted. When you create for yourself, you have boundless energy.
The key here is to start seeing the power in you just Being You. Not Doing anything but Being. You have a large impact every day without having to try. Stand in your strength and it will inspire others to step into their strength in the way that is right for them.
Take a moment to consider what you Love to do.
Consider the many ways others are positively impacted by your self-alignment.
Next time you want to help someone, hold respect for their unique journey.
Stand in your power and joy, and watch the rippling effect!