Secrets of Aboriginal Healing

A client recently piqued my interest with a book recommendation about Aboriginal healing.  

I am always on the lookout for ancient wisdom and guidance on how to be in a state of health using traditional and natural methods.  

What is the root cause of health and wellness?  

How have native tribes practiced healthcare for thousands of years? 

Secrets of Aboriginal Healing: A Transformational Journey with a Remote Australian Tribe by Gary Holz 

Gary was at the pinnacle of his life: an award-winning physicist, successful businessman, and marathon swimmer.  He enjoyed tremendous success in athletic and academic pursuits. 

At the age of 33, Gary began experiencing numbness in his legs and was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis (MS).  Gary followed doctor’s orders and used the recommended medications in ever-increasing doses, until the disease could no longer be kept at bay.  He disintegrated into a chronic state of MS quickly, becoming a quadriplegic in 5 years and on the verge of multi-organ failure within 10 years of diagnosis.  Doctors were out of options for him and gave Gary two years to live.  Hopelessness and despair took over.

And yet…This is a story of hope and healing.  

Gary connected with an aboriginal tribe, who committed to participating in his healing journey.  They welcomed him to the outback and guided him to reconnect with nature and reconnect with himself.

The aboriginals view the healing process differently from Westerners; they do not focus on the symptoms of the physical body or deficiencies in nutrients or chemicals.  

Instead, they prioritize rehabilitation spiritually and emotionally, processing the impacts of life’s traumas and dramas.  They believe the health of the physical body is a reflection of the health of the spiritual and emotional bodies. 

When one heals on an energetic level, the body will follow with ease.

As a wheelchair-bound quadriplegic who had little sensation below his neck, Gary was guided to delve into his childhood and identify the pivotal experiences when his Spirit chose numbness over feeling.   

The aboriginals guided him to find gratitude for ALL experiences, and an acceptance of What Is.  They taught Gary to focus on new perspectives and reprogram his subconscious, which had been sabotaging his health.  They taught him to focus on his abundance, rather than his lack; his health, rather than his illness; the future he wanted, rather than the one he feared.

In the process, the Aboriginals introduced Gary to his spirit guides, telepathic communication, and the concept of Dreamtime. 

Dreamtime is the Aboriginal spiritual story of creation and connection to all things.  We might think of it as mythology or religion or enlightenment or so much more.  Through the Dreamtime meditative state, Gary was able to connect with greater powers of universal consciousness.

And he healed.  He began to feel his extremities and limbs again.  His body came back online.  He jumped back into the world of Being.

This book is just a taste of Gary’s experience.  It leaves me wanting more: details, instructions, fundamentals.  And yet, it fueled my appetite to seek out Aboriginal truths.

Since reading, I’ve been playing with Dreamtime. I’ve been weaving together written words, positive intentions, and spiritual guidance, with my sleep state to call in a harmonized physical, emotional, and spiritual existence. 

I’ve been listening to the didgeridoo, an indigenous Aboriginal instrument of spiritual importance.  The sounds are deeply grounding and comforting, while also being expansive like space.  I feel the music vibrating through my body in a way that shakes up the stuck and transforms into ease.  Give it a listen here!


This is not a literary work, but it is an inspirational work.  Do yourself a favor and pick up this book to expand your view and experience of the world and yourself.


Embracing Chinese New Year