Traditional Acupuncture: The Law of the Five Elements?
During Medical Qigong sessions, I assess, treat, and explain energetic blocks and imbalances in the five elements of Chinese Medicine. Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal and Water are considered by the Chinese to be the basic elements of nature, which bring harmony and order.
These elements are represented in the human body, flowing energetically to maintain balance and remind us of our nature.
Many of you have asked, “Where can I read more about the 5 elements?
Here is a great option: Traditional Acupuncture: The Law of the Five Elements by Dianne M. Connelly, PH.D.
This book is gold! Dianne Connelly offers a comprehensive view of each element, then outlines case studies of how the elements present in her clients. While the book is intended for those interested in acupuncture, it is informative of all Chinese Medicine, including the Medical Qigong that you receive in my office. If you are interested in learning more about the 5 elements, this easy-to-read book is a comprehensive introduction.