Leading from the Heart: Breaking the Habit of Control
Like many of you, I grew up honoring the incredible human brain. I was focused on critical thinking; making decisions through logic; considering all of the angles. Getting ahead in life was a game of strategy, planning, and will.
I believed that there was one 'right answer', and all other paths were 'wrong'. Enough mental gymnastics on a topic could lead you to the desired path.
I was so good at this game! Life was like a chess board, and I knew how to move the chess pieces toward society's definition of success!
In the last few years, I've been learning about the heart-centered approach. In The Qi Effect, Francesco Garripoli talks about quieting the intellectual and survival minds so that the heart can be heard.
He says that the heart resides in the present moment. It is the intuitive space in which we connect with our true essence and the divine within. When we lead with our hearts, we feel the answer instead of thinking the answer. When we make decisions from the heart, we are in alignment with our purpose.
I love this concept. But what does this mean? How do we lead with the heart in our day to day lives?