Kids and Self-Healing
I learn so much from my children. They are my greatest teachers.
When we raise our kids with certain ideas and beliefs, our hope is for them to understand what we have come to know.
And yet, the reality is that magic happens when they take the foundation of knowledge and build on it, getting creative, playing with ideas, stepping outside the box to see what happens.
And then the tables turn and the kids teach us...if we are open to learning from them!
We recently visited Rome as a family, viewing the amazing historical sites. With his permission, I share the experience of Mark, age 13.
In the middle of a 3-hour tour of the Vatican, Mark started to feel ill. He was queasy and lightheaded, wanted to sit down, and needed support to stand and walk.
The Sistine Chapel, a coveted pinnacle of our trip, provided the first opportunity for him to sit. Surrounded by masterpieces, Mark was seated, prostrate, looking at the floor, trying not to throw up.
...Looking at the floor instead of the Sistine ceiling! It nearly broke my heart!
I did a little bit of Qigong on him, but must admit it was half-hearted; I wanted to spend this short time enjoying the Sistine Chapel!