Transforming Grief
We are in the season of the Metal element, which is often represented in the emotional body as a feeling of sadness, sorrow, and grief. In this article, we consider energetic ways to empower our metal elements.
What is Grief?
Grief is that empty feeling inside; a void. It feels lonely and disconnected.
We grieve when we lose someone dear to our hearts.
We grieve when we lose a hope, dream, or goal for ourselves.
We grieve when we lose a part of our identity.
In grief, we feel the weight of eternity, knowing that we can never get back what we lost. Nothing will ever be the same again. What is the point in trying?
Grief is focused in the past. Who we loved. What we had. What we worked towards. Who we were.
It is a lonely feeling. You are the only one who feels the grief in this way. No one can completely understand what you feel in your grief. It is a feeling of being disconnected, unseen, and often times depressed.
Grief is a normal human emotion. In Qigong, we don’t focus on getting rid of the grief. We don’t fight it or ignore it or stuff it down. We don’t replace it or pretend that we are happy. All of the grief energy is part of who we are. It is part of our Qi, our Life Force energy. Grief is powerful energy in the body, but may not be concentrated in the most supportive way.
Our goal in Qigong is to transform that energy and activate it into something that is useable and fuels our experience of life.
Bring the Grief into the heart. The heart is a powerful space that exists in the present moment and in connection with others. This space has the ability to transform the Grief into Empathy.
When Grief steps into the present moment, you have awareness in this Now of the loss and sadness. You can empathize with the shattered part of yourself. In the present moment, you can connect with others and recognize their unique experience of loss.
Empathy is a way of connecting with others on an authentic level. Showing another person understanding and sharing your own experiences can change the trajectory of their life and yours. Being seen and feeling connected can be the spark that fuels progress and growth for both of you.
If you find yourself struggling with grief, try bringing your loss out of the head and into the heart space. Be present. Feel. Process right here, right now with empathy for yourself. Connect with others. Ask for help from those around you. Be gentle with yourself.