Working with Horses
Meet Mirage! Isn’t he a beauty?
It's such an honor to work with horses. You may have heard that horses can help humans heal; equine therapy is becoming more popular. According to researchers, the vibration of a horse's heart extends 50 feet from their bodies. (The vibration of a human heart can be measured 8-10 feet from the body.) This electromagnetic vibration is a coherent heart rhythm, which brings those in the vicinity into an emotional state of calm and joy.
This month I had the opportunity to work with one of these majestic animals.
Mirage is 31 years old and was diagnosed with a degenerative neurological disease. His nervous system is struggling to communicate clearly with his body, which exhibits in clumsiness, tripping, difficulty walking, and an inability to stand after lying down.
Mirage has been seeing a chiropractor for the last year to slow the progression of the disease and improve his comfort. The owner, a dear friend, called me recently because Mirage is nearing the end. She posed questions about what she should do to best honor this loyal companion, best honor herself, and find balance.
Neither of us was naïve enough to believe that energy-body work would cure or heal the disease. Our goal was to give Mirage comfort, rebalance him energetically, and to communicate with him and learn his state of mind.
Disclaimer: I am not trained in animal communication or animal healing. This work with Mirage was an intuitively-guided effort to apply energetic tools based on love for this beautiful animal and his owner.
Animal Communication: I spent 30 minutes tuning in to Mirage's energy body. He was very expressive in sharing!
Some people see in detailed images with color and depth. I tend to see a flow of energy with a knowing of its deeper meaning.
We learned that Mirage is not in pain. He is frustrated by his inability to run, and deeply troubled to be losing dominance in his herd. We learned that he Loves to Live, and yet he is indifferent about dying. We asked questions that were important to the owner, and listened for answers. There was a lot of comfort and heart-healing in this communication.
Physical body work: I used Core Synchronism to help Mirage's body be in a state of openness and flow.
It's an incredible experience to hold your hands on a massive animal and feel their body rhythms! A horse's core current is powerful to the touch. I did a nervous system upgrade, brought his brain and body in synch, and helped him to physically flow with ease.
Clinical Qigong: Mirage received a full Qigong energy-body session. I released any vibrations that didn't belong to him (especially from the bossy pony in his space). I balanced his 5 elements, supported his chakras and meridians, and brought his spirit fully into his body. This was a powerful session, with a lot of energy shifting and releasing.
It was a beautiful time together. I deeply appreciate this opportunity to work with Mirage and help him find peace for the next step of his journey.