Vibrational Healing: Roles of Practitioner and Client
I have often wondered how energy healing works.
Why does each person have a different experience and result? What is the role of the practitioner? What is the role of the client?
I grapple with these ideas and continue to learn from every source I encounter.
Recently, I started following Christina Lopes, a YouTube presence focusing on spirituality. https://christina-lopes.com/ She shares videos about the spiritual world, chakras, divine guides, healing, and more. You might enjoy checking out her work.
I discovered her Light Worker Activations. These are recorded Live on Zoom with thousands of participants, and are available for replay on YouTube.
Christina's activations blew me away! She uses techniques to welcome powerful light into our cellular networks, leading to an increased frequency and level of health. I've never felt so high-vibe before. At the end of the sessions, my entire body buzzes and I feel fully alive.

Electromagnetic Fields and the Body
Everything in the Universe is made up of energy.
Albert Einstein's theory of relativity tells us that E = mc2 . This equation states that mass and energy are interchangeable.
We also know that atoms are made up of a nucleus (protons and neutrons) and electromagnetically-bound electrons. The space between the nucleus and the electrons vibrates with energy. This is the energetic vibration that I work with during Live Your Light sessions.
Energy is everywhere, in everything. We cannot discount the impact of vibrations on life.
What types of vibrations are in my environment?

High Vibe Gift Guide
We are entering the season for sharing our love with others, often through quality time and gifts.
Gift-giving can be a powerful act. When we select a gift that matches the recipient's vibration, it creates a smile. The receiver feels understood and seen. This authentic connection creates a sense of joy.
It can feel just as good to give. Bearing witness to pleasant surprise as the face lights up, brings the giver a sense of joy.
I like to call this Exponential Joy.
My goal in giving is to create this Exponential Joy every time. The recipient feels good; I feel good; we all connect in a positive way. It doesn't get much better than that!
I offer several gift ideas for the energetically and spiritually centered person. May some of these ideas resonate with you and your loved ones.
Gift Certificate for Energy Healing: I am honored by your referrals and trust in this intimate work. Give the gift of a personalized energy clearing and balancing session. Your loved-one is sure to feel lighter and refreshed! Certificates for new clients are available for purchase on my website. (To gift sessions to existing clients, please contact me directly.)
Membership at Una Vida in Niwot: Give this wonderful gift of wellness through consistent classes and connection. Weekly offerings include Qi Gong movements, Meditation, Yoga, Breathwork, Group Healings, and more. I am impressed by the quality of offerings and instructors at the studio. With your membership, join my classes on Tuesday mornings!