Experiencing Abundance after Burglary
Several weeks ago, I received a lesson in trusting the energy flow of the Universe.
Where there is Yin, there is Yang.
Where there is Loss, there is Receiving.
Where there is Lack, there is Abundance.
This is the breath of the Universe. It invites us to flow with ‘What Is’.
In early April, Live Your Light office suite was broken into. I arrived to work on Monday morning and found the suite door unlocked. The cabinets were open with a cigarette butt and ashes on the floor. The small bills of cash I kept for change had been taken, along with a tripod and phone charger.
It appeared nothing else had been impacted.
Through the shock of the break-in, I was incredulous at my fortune. The most valuable things in my office were untouched. The singing bowls, meditation pillows, crystals, and plants were all intact. Nothing was broken or damaged.
Even still, I felt a tremendous violation. In the following weeks, sounds in the hallway would make me feel vulnerable. It’s amazing how these things get into our head ad grow. The more we think about it, the more power is given to the event. I have to keep reminding myself that this is likely a single event, not personal, and won’t happen again.
And then a miracle from the Universe came into my life.