Great Hopes for this Tooth!
A common topic among clients and friends is dental health: Cavities, Crowns, Root canals, Receding Gums, etc.
We know through Western medicine that oral health is indicative of overall body health. Chinese and holistic medicine declare that each tooth is related to an organ system through the body's meridians. I've always been curious about these connections.
For many years, I have struggled with dental health. Despite brushing and flossing, I was prone to cavities upon cavities. Many fillings, crowns, and root canals later, I expected to struggle for life with dental issues.
At age 39, I was diagnosed with Lyme disease and started addressing this imbalance with herbal remedies and supplements. In the years since, my dental health has dramatically improved! I have stopped developing new cavities. Dental cleanings have been a positive experience, with results matching the effort I've put in. I am amazed at the quick restoration of oral health when addressing underlying conditions.
During my last dental cleaning, I was due for panoramic x-rays. The bio-dentist identified a shadow at the jawline, and suggested it could be an infection under an old root canal. We did a 3D scan for more information, and it was confirmed that an infection was festering under tooth 31.
My options included:
Do nothing. Wait until there is discomfort before addressing the infection. While this is typically my preferred response, the dentist suggested that an untreated infection could spread into the bloodstream and create further health challenges. The infection had already begun to decay the jawbone.
Repeat the root canal; this too was not recommended. The bio-dentist stated that 50% of all root canals fail, as it is difficult to completely sanitize the canal from bacteria.
Pull the tooth. This would allow the infection and jawbone to heal. We could consider an implant in the future.
I started by choosing option 1: Do Nothing.
In the absence of pain, I was not motivated to take action. If it ain't broke, don't fix it. Especially with our health, sometimes it's better to do nothing rather than create problems where there wasn't one before.
Funny things happen when you declare there is no pain. Life brings forward new awareness, as if to ask “Really? Are you sure?”
In those quiet moments of meditation and introspection, I began to realize that I’ve had pain in my right jaw and ear for over 10 years. During healing sessions, anytime a practitioner asked where I felt an emotion in my body, I always mentioned the right jaw or ear. Whenever a practitioner asked me to describe the emotion or color in that space, I always chose ‘angry and red’. Truly, for 10 years I have used these words to describe subtle feelings in my body. Apparently this irritation has been present for a long time!
My intentions quickly shifted to option 3: Pull the tooth.
It was time to heal the infection. Could this infection be the source of deeper health issues in my body?
In Chinese Medicine, each tooth is associated with a different meridian of energy flow in the body. There are many interactive tooth meridian charts online; click here to view.
As you see in the chart, Tooth 31 is associated with the Large Intestine meridian. It is related to the Large Intestine, Ileosecal Valve, and Right Lung. This region of the body can be related to food intolerances, especially gluten and dairy. Is it possible that this infection is the source of my food intolerances? By healing this infection, will my gut heal? Could I start eating all the foods that I love again?
Tooth 31 is associated with the big toe, in which I have had infections since high school. For many years, I have seen chiropractors for my lower back and sacrum, which are also related to this meridian. Even the sleep disruption I have experienced could be connected to this tooth.
Would healing this infection improve the overall health of my body? Is it possible that these chronic complaints can be lifted?
As you can see, I have high hopes for this tooth!
Extraction Day
On the day of the extraction, I stayed positive and focused on an easeful surgery. Sitting in the dentist’s chair, I called in my spiritual guides and angels, asking that they work through the dentist for my highest good and make this a quick and easy procedure.
As if to confirm they heard me, one of my favorite songs came on the radio: Eye of the Tiger. I knew this was a message. Before the song ended, the tooth popped out, and the dentist celebrated the unusual ease of extraction.
I was prepared to heal quickly from this surgery, and had several homeopathic remedies on hand for support. My homeopath recommended:
Arnica Montana: a plant used homeopathically to reduce swelling, decrease pain, and heal bruising from surgery. This was my go-to natural pain reliever.
Ledum Palustre: this shrub's antimicrobial properties are useful in healing infections.
Hecla Lava (also Hekla Lava): this Icelandic volcanic ash is used homeopathically to heal the jawbone.
Note: I am not a doctor. Please consult your a certified medical professional for your healthcare needs.
Stay tuned as I bear witness to the shifting and changing within. I can’t wait to share a part two with you in the future.